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David Gratke


Gratke Wealth, LLC



There are limitless active and passive strategies we can take to help you optimize your retirement planning. We usually end up striking a balance between aggressive and simplistic, optimized and balanced, and works – not just well, but well for you. We spend the time necessary to get to know you, your lifestyle choices that define your retirement needs, under all market conditions and over the long run.




When markets become as volatile and as confusing as they’ve been, even the most patient investor begins to question their current investment plan. We know because we’ve been working with investors just like you for twenty five years. We’ve seen markets come and go, rise and fall. And we can empathize with you ‘patience-running-thin’ folks who begin to find their financial and retirement plan structure troublesome. We’d like to help. Come meet us for a cup of coffee, and a second opinion. Together we’ll outline your financial goals, review your portfolio and begin discussing options for getting your next step, whatever that looks like to you. If we find your plan is well structured to meet your long term and lifestyle goals – in spite of the economic climate, we’ll tell you so and send you on your way. If, on the other hand, we can find potential to optimize your plan because it may no longer fit with your goals, we’ll lay it on the table for you and get started recommending some alternatives. Either way, we’ll make it simple and the coffee’s on us.




David Gratke, founder of Gratke Wealth | David’s belief is that a life in balance is vital to reaching your own financial summit: that picture of what your financial future looks like, when it will be and how it will feel when you reach it. When David’s not helping individuals and businesses plan for and achieve their retirement and financial goals, his trademark boots can be found en route to the ski slopes, cyclocross track, climbing a peak or riding the waves on the Oregon Coast.




With the stock market at all time highs, may we ask?  ‘Does your portfolio fit you?’  

What are the risks you might be taking inside of your investment and/or retirement accounts? Do you know how your portfolio will do during the next major stock market correction? We have a process to help you understand all this; it's this process that we have shared with many investors-they were glad we did.

To learn more about our risk measurement process, go here now

Is Your Portfolio Right for You?

Content Disclosure

Nothing contained herein shall constitute an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy any security. Material in this publication is original or from published sources and is believed to be accurate. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of such information and assume no liability for any resulting damages. Readers are cautioned to consult their own tax and investment professionals with regard to their specific situations.